Guides by Sunrise. Thanks to everyone who help me to learn this about KO =)
Thanks to the PJKO team. Special thanks to for the new Template.
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How to create a puri tuarek mage:
1.Copy Usko(ROFD)'s Item folder to your Server's Item folder.
2. Create A Puri Tuarek charakter
3. Go to enterprise manager and open USERDATA table.
4. Find your new charakter and change the class to 109
Well done.

How to read .dxt file names: (unfinished)

2 8600 10 0 Priest chitin shell paul
2_8602_10_0.dxt is the obj file
__________^ I dont really know ^^
_______^^_ 10=armor, 20=pants,30=Helmet. If its something other, the last Number isnt 0...
____^0=Karus; 1=El Morad
___^ the 6 indicates the item series. 1 is worst, 6 is best, I think...
__^ shows Job.
^_ item class: 1=weapon; 2=armor; 3=other (like acessory, quest items...); and some more i dunno