Guides by Sunrise. Thanks to everyone who help me to learn this about KO =)
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1.Adding Monsters and NPC Spawns
Ok, run your enterprise manager and open up the table "K_NPCPOS"
In this table are the spawn points of any NPC and Monster saved.

The first thing you have to know is the game is devided in zones. Every zone has it's own id.
1=Karus zone (breth etc)
2=Morad zone (piana etc)
31=dungeon (I think it doesn't work right now)
101&102=Battle zone
201-204=CZ (aka Colony zone aka free zone)

Every row is 1 spawn.
Column 1 determines the zones.
the 2nd column is the id. You can look up monster id's in K_Monster and NPC in K_NPC. The first coulmn is the id the 2nd is the name. -.-°

It's pretty easy to guess what act type column does...
Act type=1 =Monster=Attacks you
Act type=107 =Vendor=trades with you

The next 4 columns deal with the exact starting location. You see this coordinates when you're in game in the left top corner. I like to write them down and add monsters/NPCs later...
You have 2 x and z positions. Together this coords will form a box in which our Monster/NPC later will appear.
If you're making a vendor, don't create a zone. So leftX should be = rightX and topZ=buttomZ.

the next column is called "NumNPC". It tells the number of NPC's. For vendors of course take 1, for monsters as many as you can kill =)
"RegTime" determines how long it takes for them to respawn when they're dead. I think regtime=1 would be 1 second.

Don't care about the next columns. Just fill in as the rows above, the're all nearly the same =)
WELL DONE! Congratulations, you've created your first spawn point.