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1.2.A - Creating a new monster

What? you're not satisfied with your new spawn and want an own Monster?!? I'll show you how to do it...

OK, as you already know, the first column is the id. Just choose a number that isn't taken.
Because you now know good, how a table works, I'll just explain shortly what the important columns do. You'll need to fill out the rest yourself:

sSid=the id of the monster.
strName=the Name you see in game. (with items and skills you won't read the names from DB in game. They come from *.tbl files)
sPid=The number of the model file. 100 for example would make it look like a worm, 500=Werewolf etc.
Here you got a list of all models which should be implemented in EliteAK47's client. I have added some statements...
100 Kecoon (works)
200 Bulcan (works)
300 Gavolt (works)
400 Glyptodont (works)
500 Wolf (works)
600 Smilodon (works)
700 Worm (works)
800 Bandicoot (works)
900 Scorpion (works)
1000 Zombie (works)
1100 Skeleton (works)
1200 Scolar (works)
1300 Kongau (works)
1400 Attila (works)
1601 "Dun Orc" (some working...)
1606;1631;1636;1637;1638 some orcs
1701 Troll (works)
2000 Ramia (=Lamia) (works)
2010 Goblin (works)
2100 Deruvish (works)
2200 Harpy (works)
2400 Golem (works)
2600 Centaure (works)
2700 Snowman (works)
2701 El Morad Snowman
2702 Karus Snowman
2703-2707 Some more Snowmans
2800 Dread Mare (NPC)(doesn't work for me)
3000 Sucubus (works)
23406 Jackie (NPC)
Special Effect Monsters:
3100 Cave Leech (=worm)(works)
3200 Burning Skeleton (=Skeleton)(works)(looks funny)
3300 Blood Golem (=Golem)(works)
3400 Black Widow (=Scorpion)(works)
3500 Reaper (=Orc) (works)
3600 Fire Golem (=Golem)(Doesn't work for me)
3700 Fire Skeleton (Dunno if differs from 3200)
Dunno what these are:
3800 Manticore (works)(strange... O.o)
3900 Nianshou (NPC)
4200 bigeye (mon)
4300 bigpig (mon)
4400 Bigworm
4500 Ghost (=Lich) (works)(looks cool)
5500-5508 kyoman and some more mobs...
5700 Balrog (Doesn't work for me)
5800 bro (?!?)
5900 Gagoil (Doesn't work for me)
6000 Dark (Doesn't work for me)
6100 BM (?!?)
6200 Dragon (Doesn't work for me)
6400 Patos (works) (1 Weapon, an Axe. Looking red)(looks cool)
6500 Patos (works) (2 Weapons?!? Scythe and axe in 1 hand...looking blue)(looks cool)

Actually I have no list of NPC models. Sorry =(

Ok, lets go further:
sSize is the size of the monsters model in percent. So 100 would be usual size, 50 half size, 500 rly big and 1000 rly rly big. O.o
sLever=monster Level
iEXP=The exp value you'll get.
Keep in mind that the exp you get depends on your and the monsters Level. If Player Level=Monster Level you should exactly get the value. If P.Lvl<M.Lvl -->more exp ; If P.Lvl>M.Lvl -->less exp.
The rest (like hp, evade rate, standtime, money, etc.) should be easy to guess...

The onliest thing that needs an explainaition is sItem. It's also an id and tells which item the monster drops with which chance. This guide is coming soon, need a little break ^^ but you can take a closer look at K_MONSTER_ITEM table if you want to find out yourself.